House Building Construction Agreement

11. If the owner decides to provide the necessary building materials, he is credited with the cost of these materials and the value is deducted from the current invoice immediately below. 8. If the above work is completed in the manner provided for by the above provision, the architect must notify the owners in writing of the removal of their surplus materials and installations and, if the owners do not do so within seven days, the owner may sell it by public auction and credit the owners with the net amount realized. The architect must then establish and certify in writing what (if anything) should be paid for by or by the owner, for the value of the work and the materials thus borne by the owner and the costs or losses that the owner would have incurred when the work was acquired to be completed, the amount, if any, which goes to the owners and the amount that will be certified is then paid by the owner or by the owner, and the certification of the architect must be final and conclusive between the parties. While the owners own land, the #________ – (address of the site on which construction is under way) and a house in that land, in accordance with the approved architect`s plan and the specifications, rates and quantities that are attached to this Agreement. If there are changes, they should be made in accordance with the agreement between the owner and the contractor. In most cases, there will be no change. The changes will be minor. For example, the layout of cabinets, wiring and the inclusion of additional power outlets and other aspects may be discussed by the owner, so that his interests are served by the contractor. As long as construction costs are within the price limit, there will be no difficulty in making changes. The construction process also includes many moving parts, and clearly defines which party is responsible for what role to make the process more fluid. Some of the necessary parts that can be expressly attributed to either party are: For certain types of construction projects, you may need administrative approvals in addition to the construction contract before contractors can start working.

Amount of lump: Also known as the traditional „fixed price” contract, this is the most common price for construction contracts. In a lump sum contract, the parties agree on a fixed price based on the contractor estimating the costs of a complete and final project. Lump-sum contracts take into account all materials, subcontracting, work, indirect costs, profits and more. 10. The owner or his representatives have the right to check the progress of the construction and the materials used for the construction and they are entitled to tell the architects of defects in the construction work, the quality of the transformation or the materials used when such defective work is carried out or carried out or such material is brought to the site.